Friday, March 27, 2009

First blooms of the season

As I mentioned in January, I started forcing bulbs a few years ago, and now I have a garden in my living room. My first bloom appeared last week. I didn't get around to potting the daffodil bulbs as early as I should have this year, but my living room garden is still blooming before the yard. We'll have blooming daffodils outside by early April.


SkippyMom said...

I love spring [well I love all the seasons, but ready for spring this year]

We are anxiously awaiting the Cherry Blossoms in DC - they should be at peak in 4 days, so we are planning our early morning [6:30 am :), best time, no tourists] to visit them. Can't wait.

Do you replant them once they bloom in your living room? I don't do bulbs - they don't last long here and can easily be screwed up by our transition from winter to spring.

Deborah Niemann said...

Every year I say I'm going to plant them outside, but I never have. I have always wound up throwing them in the compost pile, which is sad because I've had some gorgeous blooms before! It would have been great to see them again and again.

J. M. Strother said...

It's interesting to watch spring's march north. We've had blooming daffodils outside for several days now, perhaps a week or more. They are probably arriving in Springfield about now and will be popping up at your place in early April. Come on Spring!


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