Cows were one of our first purchases when we moved out to the country. Being a complete greenhorn when it came to cattle, I was ill-prepared for the two wild heifers we brought home. We had more than one heart-stopping moment with them, but the worst was the day that I thought my son was dead. That's a story for another day though, because today I'm excited that I've just agreed to buy two lovely, friendly heifers from Five Ponds Farm in Missouri. Just look at this picture of Molly giving Marian a kiss. This is the kind of cow I want!

As much as we love making our own cheese and dairy products, we love experiencing the different tastes of cow milk and goat milk and appreciate the character they each add to different foods. We've even milked our sheep a couple times and made yogurt with their milk. Although my first experience with cows was not positive, I haven't been able to give up on the dream of having a couple milk cows. Looks like it's finally going to happen.
Many thanks to Marian at Five Ponds Farm for all the photos you sent over the past couple days and all the questions you answered!
I didn't realize Dexters are used for milking until I followed your link to the breeder's website. Cool!
Yupp, both milk and beef....from the same race. I love Dexters. And maybe, one day.......*hope*
Cool! I hope you don't have to wait too long.
Nancy In Atlanta
I have read about the Dexters and would love for my daughter to get some one day too. Glad your dreams are continuing. Blessings.
I can't wait to read more about your dairy cows. I'd like to get a dairy cow (or two) someday. First, chickens and garden, then maybe another animal or two. :)
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