The event went as follows...

5:45pm - I arrived home from work and went straight to the barn. As I walked in the door, I heard Coco let out a scream. Walking quickly to her pen, I found that her water had broken and she had a thick string of mucus.
5:55pm - Coco starts pushing like she actually wants to do something about it.
5:58pm - I inform her, quite calmly, that if I don't see a hoof, mouth, hock, etc, by 6:10, she'd better be ready for me to go in for a vaginal exam. Generally we wait a while before doing that, but since odds were pretty good she was going to be having trouble, I didn't want to put it off.
6:05pm - I ask Jonathan to get me the lube, and show it to Coco, explaining what's going to happen if she doesn't get serious.
6:08pm - I ask Dad to get alcohol and latex gloves, in preparation for going in.
6:12pm - There's been a slight delay, as the gloves are hard to find. However, Coco has realized she's run out of time, and begins pushing like she REALLY means it.
6:13pm - The first kid is born!
There was a good 10 minute break between the first and second kids, then about 15 minutes between the second and third kids, and then 10 seconds between the last two. Three bucks (born first) and a doe (born last). Three of the kids seemed very skinny when they were born, more so than usual, so I made sure to give them NutriDrench. The first-born in particular was troublesome. His coordination was nowhere to be found and he didn't seem very excited about living in the real world.

As of now, they've all nursed off mom. I attempted to give them some of their mom's colostrum from a bottle, but unfortunately all of our Pritchard teats have been destroyed, and goats don't take well to the nipples on human-baby-bottles. Coco's colostrum is very, very thick, so I am hopeful that even the smallish amount that I observed the kids drinking will be enough to keep them going. I will be trying again in the morning to get them to nurse off a bottle. However, for now, sleep sounds like an excellent idea.
Congratulations! (I suppose if I saw someone rounding on me with rubber gloves, a tube of lubricant and a very serious look, I'd start pushing , too!)
FOUR babies! No wonder she was so huge! I'm so glad that everyone's OK and that she had them while you were home...
Yay, so glad to hear they were finally born!! Congrats!
Wow, four! Congratulations! They are very cute and I am so glad Coco is alright. Sweet dreams.
That is a much better outcome that you expected. All that worry.
Glad that it is over for you.
Oh wow, I am soooo relieved! I was so worried for her and kept checking in to see if a vet had been found, etc. Quads! Like Nancy said, no wonder she was so huge! I am glad that the kids appear to be fine and that Coco is doing well too. So who is the Dad?
Oh my gosh. I can't believe how worried I've been about this silly goat I've never laid eyes on. I checked my computer before going into work, but figured you wouldn't post until after the weekend. I sympathize with Cocoa and am so glad she's ok. Shelly (mother of human triplets)
Wonderful post!! (and I mean it!)
I am glad everything worked out great!! I was also worried about poor Coco.
BTW, the kids are adorable!! I love little goat kids!
SO GLAD mom and babies are all okay! Will you do genetic testing to determine who the father is, or just sell them as grade goats?
Who's your daddy!??? I'm so happy for you that the kids were born without the need for a C-section. Poor Coco - 4 babies!!! They are gorgeous, and you're going to be really busy for a while watching them play!
Yipppeeee! I am so happy for you and Coco [poor girl] The babies are gorgeous and I am sure they will thrive. :)
Four babies! Wow...
Happy, happy Saturday :)
No "kidding", this is a good thing!! I pray the next 48 hours goes well for everyone!!
What a huge relief! So you glad your hunt for a C-section vet wasn't necessary and that you can rest easy now. Sorry the ratio of bucks:does wasn't a bit better, but at least you can get some sleep now!
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