Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Mother Earth News Fair: Soap making

As promised, here is the handout for the soap making session. Sorry there weren't enough for everyone. And for my regular blog readers, I'll be writing about the conference tomorrow! It was amazing, and Mike and I were really inspired.

There are many sources of soapmaking supplies on the Internet, but these are the ones I've used, and I've had good experiences with them. If there are other sources that you've used and would recommend, feel free to add a link in the comment section. The second page of the handout was a printout of a recipe in the lye calculator, which can be found at Majestic Mountain Sage. If you had questions that did not get answered at the session, also feel free to post in the comment section. Happy soaping!

For more information:
Has basic soapmaking information and lots of recipes!

Supplies online:
http://www.symphonyscents.com/catalog/ (formerly The Scent Shack in Geneva, IL)
All of the above provide oils, colors, scents, molds, etc.
http://www.soaperschoice.com/ Oils available in large quantities (gallon, five gallons, 55 gallons)

Making your own soap:
When creating your own recipes, you need to determine the correct amount of lye. A lye calculator is available at Majestic Mountain Sage’s website.


Vegetable Garden Cook said...

Thanks for the post! Once the weather turns winter-like, I'll be doing a lot more soap making.

Callie Brady said...

I've never been brave enough to make soap, but I enjoy reading about the process. Thanks for the links.

Anonymous said...

i've commented about how this blog describes, almost exactly, how my parents rasied me. Ever since I can remember growing up my mother made all the soap we ever used. What I remember most about the soap she made was that one bar lasted forever! She would often put cucumber or other home grown things in it.

I used her soap throughout high School and no one ever made fun of me for stinking, so it must have worked.


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