The picture didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped, but that's a 4 X 4 piece of lumber that we attached horizontally to the livestock panel, and it extended beyond the post. Somehow they moved the 4 X 4 enough that they were able to push the lower part of the panel through the opening. I can't even begin to explain how difficult it is going to be for us to unstick the livestock panel from its new position. I could explain how we thought that this was a brilliant idea for so many reasons, but obviously we were wrong, so there's not much point.
Now it is pointless to put them into breeding groups, because whoever lambs in five months could be the product of what happened today, or it could be from a breeding that happened shortly after separating them into groups. We'll have to separate them again -- oh, that's going to be fun -- and wait a couple weeks so that at least we'll know which ones are of dubious heritage.
Hmmmm. Maybe separation with the rams farther afield is called for. My girlfriend who keeps a couple rams and 20 ewes, (all Shetland) has her rams 3 fields away. Seems to work if you have the room. Of course, "where there's a will, there's a way", also applies to rams. :-) Sorry.
Yes, we'll be moving them almost 1/4 mile away -- basically to the other end of the farm! I've learned better than to say anything is impossible, but it will be pretty difficult for them to get back to the ewes. Of course, it also means that Teddy will probably tear up one of my goat shelters.
It's enough to make you resort to "rent-a-ram" only, isn't it? I'm about there myself....
"Nature will find a way."
There are days when that truism can be a real pain...
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