Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Animal power

I found this video while surfing the Blogosphere today. It's about a diversifed sustainable farm in California that uses only animal power. One of our goals here is to use draft animals, but it's one of those areas where we've been less than successful so far. You might recall that when Clare, the la mancha goat, had her buckling at the end of May, I was actually excited, because I've been wanting a larger wether for driving. Little Maestro has been wethered, and we're excited about teaching him to drive, so we can use him in the garden for plowing and for pulling a manure cart from the barn to the garden. As Daniel says in the video, we'll always have grass, so we won't have to worry about the price of gas or diesel.


Jenny Holden said...

I really enjoyed this video and blog so thanks for the link. My friends and I are working 30 acres together. We only just started and have our 10 Shetlands and four fell ponies (Shetlands are my baby, ponies are Ruth's and Wal owns the land). One of the ponies is being trained to harness and we hope that he will help harvest the hay in the future. We also have a large veg plots. This is my kind of progress. We've a dream to buy a farm between us in the future :o)

Deborah Niemann said...
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Deborah Niemann said...

I'm glad you enjoyed the video, and I agree with your definition of progress. I find it annoying that Shetland sheep are called "primitive" and "unimproved." I like them because they have NOT been messed with by modern agriculture.


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