I love, love, love this time of year. We eat like royalty and lose weight! Almost everything we're eating now is from our own land and labor. It's fresh, delicious, easy on the environment, and inexpensive. Last night we had salad and pork shoulder steaks with chocolate pudding for dessert. Breakfast today was mulberry muffins. We're having salad, quiche, and ice cream for lunch. Dessert for tonight's dinner is in the oven as I type -- creme brulee pie. About the only thing we need to buy are the staples -- flour, sugar, vanilla, cocoa. And, YES, cocoa is an absolutely essential staple!
My quiche is crustless, which makes it super fast to whip up in the blender. I pour 1 1/2 cups of fresh goat milk into the blender, add 3 fresh eggs, 1/2 cup of flour, a pinch of salt, and blend. Today I substituted 5 egg whites for the whole eggs, since I had egg whites left over from making the ice cream, which uses only egg yolks.
Spray a pie plate or quiche dish with non-stick cooking spray, or butter it, and arrange fresh spinach evenly in the pan. Add a block of goat cheese in little pieces. If you slice the goat cheese, it'll break up into pieces, which are just about perfect. My goat cheese blocks are about 5-6 ounces each. Snip some fresh green onions on the top, and pour the blender mix into the pan to cover the spinach and cheese.
Stick it in the oven at 400 degrees for about 30-35 minutes, until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean -- and the slice you made does not look like there is raw egg and milk floating around. Today I'm doing it at 350 for 50 minutes because I put it in the oven at the same time as the creme brulee pie.The best part of this is that we're so busy that I can eat like this with dessert at every meal and an afternoon snack of cheesecake or pie or pudding, and I'm losing weight!
Ye-e-e-es! I
love summer!
OOOOooooooo! I want to come eat at YOUR house!
The summer that my husband built our house, he lost 20 pounds eating like this!
Great boilerplate recipe with endless variations! I was cleaning out my fridge and freezer, so I ended up sauteeing half of a large onion, a clove of minced garlic, a half bag of frozen peas, and a hodgepodge of fresh herbs from the garden. Lastly, I threw in some chopped Canadian bacon from a local smokehouse. I put all this in the bottom of a sprayed pie plate, then topped it with a cup of shredded cheddar and monterey jack, and poured over the egg and goat's milk mixture (I used whole wheat white flour). I baked it at 400, and it was perfect at 25 minutes. YUM! Thanks for sharing.
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