Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Snow, snow, and more snow

If you've heard that we're getting a lot of snow in Illinois, I'm here to tell you that it's true, and we're supposed to get more snow today! There is a picket fence in the above picture. Can you find it?

And it's been really cold -- as in below zero Fahrenheit -- multiple times. Our pond is about one-third acre, and we have an aerator that normally keeps it from freezing over completely, but many times this winter, Mike has had to go out there with a pick ax to open up the little hole above the aerator. If the pond is completely iced over, it will kill the fish in there.

We've never had a winter like this since we moved here in 2002, but some of the old timers say this is what winter used to be like. I just hope that all of this snow melts gradually over the course of a couple of weeks. If the weather suddenly warms up for days, we will probably be in for some flooding.

1 comment:

Tiggeriffic said...

Lots of snow this winter and lots of freezing temp's.. Reminds me of when I was a small girl..
Here in Iowa we have the snow, ice, winds and freezing temp's..But I love winter and the snow.. Makes everything look so white and clean..
Lovely pictures.~!
Have a blessed day....ta ta for now from Iowa:)


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