Monday, January 4, 2010

Gardening news from Elsewhere

Between the email newsletters I receive and serendipity, I've found some very helpful websites lately:

But first, a friend told me about this inspiring place -- The Green Earth Institute in Naperville, IL. Sounds like they're doing a lot of the same stuff I want to do in the area of education. Check out the aerial photos of their farm. They are really in the middle of suburbia! (Thanks for sharing this, Tim!)

SARE has a great book available for FREE on the Internet -- Crop Rotation on Organic Farms: A Planning Manual, which is 154-pages. You can download it as a PDF, or if you want, you can buy a hard copy for $24.

Have you heard that it's more expensive to eat a locavore diet? Well, this study from Iowa says otherwise.

Did you know the White House put up little hoop houses to extend the growing season of their garden? In addition to that, they're promoting hoop houses for farmers in the real world and even helping to pay for them. This video has some great information about the whole hoopla. (Sorry, couldn't resist that one.)

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