Sunday, June 7, 2009

Front fencing completed!

For several years, we've been talking about the need for a fence across the front of our property, and we finally did it. I should say that Mike finally did it, since my help consisted of recommending a picket fence. I thought that it would work well for keeping the birds on our property, since chickens don't exactly fly over a fence. They usually jump up on top, then jump down. With pointy tips, I thought a picket fence would be the least accessible for them.

With the addition of this fencing, it means the entire front of our property is fenced off from the road by either woven wire or a picket fence, making it much harder for any of our animals to get into the road and meet with the same sad fate as Willie on Monday. The gate is hard to see in this picture, but it's covered with a mesh that will make it impossible for animals to go through it. Right now it is kept closed with a small bungy cord, but we will be getting an electric opener for it, which will be similar to a garage door opener, so we won't have to get out to open the gate when it's raining.


Nancy K. said...

What a nice fence!

Good job, Mike!

Jenny Holden said...

Very smart :o)

Mary Lou said...

well done--makes a big difference to the front of your yard-nice idea about the gate--how's all the mommies to be? take care--mary lou

Anonymous said...

That's a beautiful fence, and I love the natural color. Great way to protect your critters.

Nancy in Atlanta

SkippyMom said...

How charming! :)

Better yet, it is so nice to have for the animals. Tell Mike we said "Nice job!"

Deborah Niemann said...

Thanks, everyone!
And the mommies-to-be are all well. Just waiting. Will definitely post when we have babies!

pedalpower said...

Wow...looks nice! I've always wanted to fence our yard in town too.

Michelle said...

We have a Mighty Mule electric gate opener (came with the place). It's WONDERFUL when it's working, which, unfortunately, is not all the time....

Deborah Niemann said...

Oh, dear! That's the one that we're going to order. Why doesn't it work all the time?

Michelle said...

Blown fuses, electrical shorts, phases of the moon....?


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