The adult rams that are not with the ewes are letting it be known that they are not happy about the living arrangements. They have messed up the livestock panels between their pen and the other pen, so I went into their pen and tried to fix it. I finally gave up on one section and decided to let Mike do it when he gets home from delivering turkeys. The whole time I was working on the livestock panels, the four rams just stood there and watched me quietly, but as soon as I got up and headed for the gate, Teddy started running towards me with his head down. Yes, sweet Teddy -- the ram whose life I saved after he was attacked by coyotes this summer.
This was the first time I've ever found myself on the same side of the fence with a ram in a bad mood, and I hope it's the last! My left thumb and my right wrist do not feel good. I put my hands down in front of my knees to ... to protect myself, I guess. It's amazing how your brain just does not work very well in some situations. Finally, I got behind a tree, which confused Teddy. He then walked up to the tree and looked around it at me. He put his head down and started to run towards me again, so I moved again to put the tree between us. I looked at how far it was to the gate and knew I'd never get there without being rammed several more times, so I went over the fence. Thank goodness it's only woven wire over there. I'm not sure if I'd have made the same decision with electric.

That is a beautiful brown lamb -- with an interesting face!
Thanks! I just adore her!
That little ewe is adorable. Such rich coloring...I just want to pick her up and hug her!
oh! Just adorable! Makes me laugh!
Did someone leave Ophilia in the fluff cycle, or what?
I am curious to know if you ever came up with a solution to your wool on the electric fence. I have been watching and reading, and wanting to find out if the wool is as fire retardant as you first thought.
Also, whatever came of your youngest's wrist. Did that ever heal?
I love your blog, especially the recipes. Sometimes it is like watching a serial on television, though, where I cannot wait for your next post!
It's scary when they have a go isn't it? I hope you go in with a bucket or something next time and that he hasn't learned that he can bully you. It's important to put them in their place!
Thanks for all the compliments on the little brown ewe! I'm so glad she's a ewe, so I don't even have to think about whether or not she'll be lamb chops. And hopefully she'll give us more beautiful brown lambs.
I'll post a separate entry with updates on all the little things that need updating.
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