Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Simply delicious!

Sorry I didn't get a picture of my dinner ... it wasn't a gourmet meal, but it was satisfying beyond the taste and appearance. The salad came from our garden: lettuce and radishes. The dressing was homemade ranch made with our own buttermilk and my mayonnaise, which was made with our fresh eggs. The quiche was made with our fresh spinach, milk and eggs. This evening I need to mix up sausage for tomorrow's breakfast. I'll add some garlic, sage and salt to our ground pork, and in the morning, Mike will make breakfast for us. It'll include our own sausage, eggs, biscuits made with out buttermilk and gravy made with the sausage pan drippings and our milk.

Tonight's dinner came at a great time ... just when I was feeling that we couldn't do anything right.

1 comment:

Lori Stewart Weidert said...

Ohhhh, why did I read this after skipping breakfast? Everything sounds wonderful.


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