Wednesday, April 5, 2006

A new addition

Yesterday in the midst of grieving over our loss of Dancy, I received an email from friends who had a lamb available. I had told them I'd like to have an Icelandic ewe to milk, but with registered stock selling at $700-1,000 each, there was no way I could afford one. I asked if they'd sell me an unregistered ewe as soon as she's born so I could bottle-feed her, hopefully making her tame enough to milk when she grew up. They said they'd keep me in mind, and yesterday they emailed to let me know that a lamb was available. They needed to sell her because she's related to both their rams, so they wouldn't be able to breed her. I'm planning to breed her to one of my Shetland rams. Icelandics are a lot like Shetlands. They come in many colors, and they have a short tail that does not need to be docked. Although Icelandics have luxurious wool like Shetlands, they are also good meat sheep and good milkers! The main difference is that Shetlands are one of the smallest breeds of sheep, whereas Icelandics are medium sized. Now, we just need to think of a name!

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