Sunday, June 19, 2011

Llama shearing

Sorry I haven't posted in a week! The good news is that the garden is really shaping up, and we're making cheese daily. Our summer apprentice arrived on Monday, and it has been a lot of work helping him around the farm. We always spend a lot of time explaining things in the beginning, which is why we won't let people come out for a day to "help" anymore. We realized we got very little done on those days.

Yesterday was llama shearing day, which happens once a year. We did it later than usual this year because the cold weather kept coming back until about a month ago. Everyone was very well behaved, except for Merlin, who always spits. He actually spit less this year than he did a couple years ago.

These are the lady llamas relaxing before their spa day . . .

The llamas are put in a chute so they can't freak out and trample anyone. This is Sitara ready for shearing . . .

This is Tuscany before shearing . . .

And this is Tuscany and Dolce after shearing. I don't think I will ever get accustomed to how much smaller they are after shearing.

 Now the work begins for us as we have to wash the fiber and get it ready for carding and spinning.


Maggie said...

Their necks also look super weird after shearing. Less well-blended!

Donna OShaughnessy said...

They crack me up looking all ticked off for being photographed without hair...guess I would be too.

Camille said...

A t-shirt is needed perhaps? Maybe a little knitted bolero would help. LOL. Poor babies, they look like aliens, but that hair will be growing back in no time flat.


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